Adaku Efuribe- Creates Social Impact and Sustainability


Adaku Efuribe


A healthy communication is devoid of emotional abuse and negative energy. The intended recipient of what we have to say, feels free to ask questions and air their own views. Communication is unhealthy when people are afraid to speak their mind or tell their stories.

Today I read a fantastic story on the UCB Word for today and I wanted to share some nuggets. Communication is a topic which is often talked about all the time, but I have realised it can never be over emphasized because the world is evolving and the emergence of social media affects our communication style in so many ways.

The bond of relationships is communication. As humans we cannot thrive without communicating with each other and we communicate in different ways.

Styles of communication include- verbal and non -verbal communication. Spoken words fall under verbal communication. Tone of voice, body language, posture and gesticulations are forms of non-verbal communication which also affect the way we express ourselves and this can in turn make the intended recipient understand or misunderstand us.

I would classify communication into healthy and unhealthy communication styles.

A healthy communication is devoid of emotional abuse and negative energy. The intended recipient of what we have to say, feels free to ask questions and air their own views. Communication is unhealthy when people are afraid to speak their mind or tell their stories.

According to UCB word for today 1/8/21, ‘an important key to succeeding at home is communication. So, ask yourself these four questions:

1) How well do I communicate with the people I love?

2) Have I identified my communication killers?

3) Do I encourage everyone to speak their mind?

4) Do I think creatively? Do you spend time together as a family?’


There is no excuse for always giving tactless remarks. You have to pause and think about what you want to say to others. Honesty does not mean you always have to talk down on people or verbally abuse them.

In communication, bringing past hurts and disappointments into every single discussion does not show maturity and always trying to remind people of things their relatives and associates have done is not a show of love and care.

You can have a heart-to-heart conversation devoid of shouting and abusive gesticulations. No one feels comfortable being spoken to in that manner and people would not understand your point if the only way you know how to address an issue is by shouting and intimidating people

In every relationship, communication is key;

· Do not retaliate

· Allow people to say their mind

· Embrace difference of opinion

· Do not intimidate or make people scared of airing their own views

· Create time for communication

· Make communication healthy

The bible reminds us to let our conversations be gracious and attractive, Colossians 4 vs 5:

‘Let your conversations be gracious and attractive, so that you have the right response for everyone’ NLT

Emotional disciple is needed to stifle tactless remarks and you will have to practice this one day at a time until it becomes your style of communication.

Adaku Efuribe



Adaku Efuribe

Forbes Ignite Featured- Creates Social Impact & Sustainability | Health Promotion Ambassador |UN SDGs Advocate